IHSDO was established during the 2001-02 school year in response to the change in the funding formula that reduced the weighted factor given to high school districts. While that legislation and other funding issues relative to high schools remain as a central focus of the organization, other legislative initiatives of particular interest to high school districts have also been addressed through direct testimony, written testimony, and proposed legislation.
IHSDO has become a recognized organization in the hallways of the state capitol. This is largely due to the work of our lobbyist Peg Agnos supported by the superintendents or our member districts.
Some of the issues that have been addressed by IHSDO include:
Facilitated dialogue with the IHSA during the pandemic that has evolved into ongoing communication between IHSDO and IHSA leadership.
Adequate funding of high school districts/programs
School District Consolidation (Significant modifications were made to this legislation as the result of HSDO participation in its development)
High School Graduation Requirements
College to Career Readiness
Dual Credit